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Merry Xmas and Happy New year

To members, patrons and friends of Elevations

Elevations Christmas Party was wonderful

Thank you for coming to the Elevations Christmas Party,

You made it a memorable evening pictures and videos to come

We really appreciate your time and effort, You came and rejoiced with us to celebrate goodness and joy in completing three and a half years of Elevating our community. The ambiance was filled with merry and cheer. To the ruffle winners we envy you enjoy your gifts.

Generous gifts

Thank you for your generous gifts of $440 for a good cause of supporting

Elevations Music School program.

Thank you for all that you have done. These gifts will go a long way to upgrade learning space equipment and resource learning materials for the Music School Your Kindness is deeply appreciated.

We welcome anyone else wishing to donate towards this cause. Contact us at or by calling 647-693-4397.You can interact your donation to Elevations email:


To all who volunteered their service gifts and talents, of officiating the occasion, preparing and serving food, uplifting and inspiring us entertainment by DJ Desmond, The Vanrosi Duo band and Elevations Music School Students

You have Hearts of gold, Always giving, Always sharing, and always caring. You didn’t have to do all that but you did

You didn’t have to give up so much time but you did

You didn’t have to put yourself out like that but you did

You did what no one else could. Thank you may your generosity open great opportunities in life for you.

Volunteers needed for 2018 Projects and Programs.

Starting January to April 2018 is the Cultural Smiles Project. We need any that can spare a few hours during the week or weekend to assist in the project. To register or to find out more information on programs or projects, Call us at 647-693-4397 or email us at

In July 2018 we will have the Expo again, where we showcase products and services of member Entrepreneurs and Socialpreneurs

Looking to invest

Elevations Apartment project registration is open for more information contact us at visit

Weekday’s programs

Mondays to Fridays 4:00 to 8:00 PM

Tutoring services

Saturdays 4:00 PM

Learn Music theory and playing instruments such as guitar, piano, drums join Elevations Choir on Saturdays

Sundays 12:00PM

Self-efficacies building program

Goodness healing and applications workshops and services

Thanks for coming to the 2017 party and participating in Elevations programs though out the year of 2017.

We look forward to see you in 2018 programs and at 2018 Elevations Christmas Party.

On behalf of Elevations board

Have a very merry Christmas and a happy prosperous New Year 2018

Proceeds of event will go to support Elevations Music School

Goodness is the only investment which never fails.

Henry David Thoreau

Elevations family.

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Email: Tel: 647-875- 7507 / 647-693-4397 
483 Oakwood Avenue Toronto Ontario M6E 2W4
Elevations Co-op

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