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Happy mothers day word

Here’s how:

1. We are heavy enough to do the job.

No, I don’t mean those extra pounds of baby weight. I’m talking about fortitude. You have the kind of strength it takes that no matter what is pulling you in either direction in life, you are incredibly resistant to move from your powerful post as mom. As jobs, relationships and other life circumstances attempt to push you, your priorities are strong and tied with your family.

2. We make sure no one drifts.

Drifting can be so silent and sneaky. Before you know it, someone can be sort of carried off without any warning. They can move far, far away from your strong family. As moms, we see it, we feel it. When any of our kids is drifting, we not only throw out a life-preserver, we sometimes have to tie a rope around their waist and pull them back to the ship of our loving family.

3. We are the source of strength to ride out storms.

When a threatening storm rolls in toward our family, we hunker down. We go low and hold strong to the family that we have built and stay there until it’s over. The more firm we plant our weight, the more successful we are.

4. We are available anytime they need us.

Our availability is not questioned. When our kids need us, we show up. We don’t ask questions why or ask to be taken away from the job. We just offer our strength and get down to the heavy business of being a mom.

Being the anchor can be heavy, though. It’s so important that we go to the ultimate source of strength, Our Lord. Only He can provide the fortification that we need on a daily basis to stay strong. He tells us that we “not be weary” in Isaiah 40:31. This holds true for us as we embrace the role of anchor for our family.

I believe great things are happening to us in the words of

Steve Maraboli — let us 'Take action! to fulfill this all encompassing dream. An inch of movement will bring you closer to your goals than a mile of intention

Project meetings held Saturdays 5:00 pm at 483 Oakwood Avenue. Meetings open to the public,public welcome to join the membership and participate in the leadership of the organization.


. Membership opportunities

· leadership opportunities

· objectives and goals of project

· Implement project work plans

As Steve Maraboli says it Is time to — 'Take action! An inch of movement will bring you closer to your goals than a mile of intention

I believe great things will happen do you believe!

See you Saturday share invite widely

Champions training Spread the love pledge Keep sharing and practicing this message

I believe that every individual has infinite and eternal worth.

I believe that recognition of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world.

I believe that every individual is entitled to dignity and respect, without prejudice toward race, color, gender, disability, language, religion, creed, national origin, property, age, or other status.

I believe that every thought and every act of such prejudice is harmful. If it is my thought or act, then it is harmful to me as well as to others. THEREFORE, I will strive every day of my life to eliminate such prejudice from my thoughts and actions.

I will discourage such prejudice by others at every opportunity.

I will treat all people with dignity and respect.

I will strive daily to honor this pledge, knowing that the world will be a better place because of my effort.

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Elevations Co-op

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