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Elevations Updates 2019

Global whirlwinds,

I don't know about you-from my vantage point the first few months of 2019 have been hectic, frightening and in many cases tragic.

Certainly our prayers are with those who have succumbed to the whirlwinds so far this year.

Mosque shooting

While you’re still horrified by the mosque shooting, I’m going to share something very personal. Because that feeling you have right now, where even a small, kindhearted country like New Zealand isn’t safe, won’t last

Ethiopian Airlines crash

On March 10, a Boeing 737 Max 8 operated by Ethiopian Airlines crashed southeast of Addis Ababa, killing the 157 people on board.

Cyclone Idai destructions

"The cyclone hit Mozambique directly on Thursday before sweeping into Malawi and Zimbabwe.

Let’s not lose hope for continue to support where you can and have courage that tomorrow will be better.

We continue to believe in ourselves! Have faith in our abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in our own powers we cannot be successful or happy.” —Norman Vincent Peale

Elevations programs this year

Our programs are ongoing as usual your support and participation where or when is highly appreciated.

Elevations project 2 update

We have over 50% of target participants registered or paid up to date, the deadline to register and join this project is June 30th share the opportunity to others.

Find out how we can beat poverty, grow wealth, escape the rat race together

click on this link for more information

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Part time entrepreneur’s opportunity knocks!

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Learn to play music instruments free classes. Modest registration fee applies

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Volunteers needed

Volunteers always needed and welcome to Elevations. we can use your help to make the world a better place.

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Why Volunteer?

You gain Canadian experience or community volunteer hours required to graduate from high school or other placement programs when you volunteer with us.

Contact us at or 647-693-4397 today.

Elevations Co-op Membership

Membership into Elevations Co-op is open to any one 16years old and above

request application here or at

Elevations East African Cultural Center Membership

request application here or at

Elevations Foundation Membership

request application here or at

Hours Service at 483 Oakwood Avenue Toronto Ontario Monday to Friday 5:30-8:00 PM, Saturdays 11:00 AM -7:00 PM Sundays 2:00PM-5:00 PM

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483 Oakwood Avenue Toronto Ontario M6E 2W4
Elevations Co-op

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